Colitis: Natural cures and remedies

Colitis, also called irritable bowel syndrome, is the inflammation of the walls of the colon. It is very widespread today in the West where hectic life makes a correct lifestyle and healthy diet almost impossible. This pathology is mainly the consequence of a sedentary lifestyle and an incorrect diet (and is also linked to alterations in intestinal functionality and transit and to states of dysbiosis or alterations of the intestinal flora). It can be associated with pain and spasms of various nature as well as the production of shapeless stools. It can, in more serious cases, produce ulcerations of the intestinal wall. During a colic crisis it is advisable to maintain a particular diet that does not further alter the motility and “susceptibility” of the intestinal organ.It is therefore advisable to reduce foods with a high fiber content (which can however be taken in the form of juice. For example, carrot juice, thanks to its protective, anti-inflammatory and healing power on the mucous membranes of the colon, is particularly suitable for treatment of this annoying pathology) and all those foods that can fuel inflammation (coffee, refined salt, chilli pepper, etc.). A treatment based on chamomile, nepeta, mallow and lemon balm herbal teas can also be very useful since these herbs have a powerful anti-inflammatory and spasmolytic action, particularly beneficial for the mucous membranes of the colon (perhaps lasting for several days, on an empty stomach). without taking solid foods).In case of intestinal dysbiosis it is advisable to restore a healthy bacterial flora through the intake of probiotics (in particular bifidus and acidophilus bacteria) which contribute to rebalancing and restoring normal intestinal function. Garlic and onion can also be very useful in this case  (which have prebiotic, antibiotic and antifungal properties). Which are able to promote an energetic action to combat the proliferation of harmful bacteria, the development of good ones and also manage to prevent the proliferation of candida albicans. These measures should be sufficient to resolve colitis problems, barring a congenital complication.